North Algonquin Park

Catfish Lake, Milky Way September 2013

Cedar Lake September 2013
Late September is a beautiful time of year to enjoy the Fall colours of Algonquin Park. Taken in the early morning there was full fog covering the lake that gradually lifted to reveal the colours on the hillside.
Late September is a beautiful time of year to enjoy the Fall colours of Algonquin Park. Taken in the early morning there was full fog covering the lake that gradually lifted to reveal the colours on the hillside.
Barron Canyon

The Barron Canyon located near Petawawa and Pembroke is one of the most impressive features in all of Algonquin Park.
Lake Kioshkokwi Fall

Early October is always one of the best times to get out and enjoy the Fall colours at their peak. Lake Kioshkokwi has a number of hardwood stands along the shoreline that are a pleasure to paddle by.
Maple Creek Lily

Standing in the swamp with a camera can be an uncomfortable feeling, partly from concern of dropping the camera in the water and partly from unseen things swimming by.
Mouse Lake Portage

About 1800 yards uphill from Mouse Lake to Mink Creek the portage runs through a large stand of maple that creates a beautiful Fall trail.
Burntroot Lake

Located near the center of Algonquin Park the two or three day paddle it takes to reach Burntroot Lake is well worth the effort.
Amable Du Fond

Where the Amable Du Fond runs into Lake Kioshkokwi it flows over a picturesque set of rapids and boulders. Taken on an early August morning it can be a pleasant place to linger and enjoy the view before heading out on the portage to Lake Manitou.
Maple Creek moss log

Connecting Lac Erables with Maple Lake is a short but always picturesque section of Maple Creek. If ever you are fortunate enough to be in the area Maple Creek and Maple Lake are well worth a visit.
Lac Erables

Paddling in early October can be a great time of the year to get out and enjoy the Fall colours and the misty mornings.