Kiwanis Club of Nipissing

Chris is an active member of the Kiwanis Club of Nipissing and has served two terms as President. Recent Kiwanis activities include the Citizen of the Year Dinner, Downtown Walk of Fame, , Kiwanis Music Festival,Kiwanis North Bay Triathlon and the Kiwanis Canoe Book " Northern Shores".

Working with Chair Ed Valenti, and the Dionne Quint's
Board, Chris has worked with the committee for the past
year towards future plans to landscape and display the
Heritage home at the North Bay Community Waterfront
Board, Chris has worked with the committee for the past
year towards future plans to landscape and display the
Heritage home at the North Bay Community Waterfront
Friends of La Vase Portages

Chris and a group of friends and heritage enthusiasts formed Friends of La Vase Portages in 2006 to advocate against proposed land use challenges to the historic canoe route and promote the local Voyageurs canoe route for present day paddlers.
North Bay & Area Community Foundation

Chris was on the Board of Directors of the North Bay & Area Community Foundation for ten years and enjoyed working to continue the vision of former Mayor Jack Burrows to carry on a charitable trust to support local needs.
North Bay Blooms

Chris was the co-ordinator of North Bay Blooms working with ten different Chairs over the years to recognize some of the great front yard gardens, and business gardens, that we have around our community. In 2019 Chris was recognized as a honorary member of the North Bay Heritage Gardeners for his efforts around the community with beautification and litter pick up events.
Stepping Stones Services

Chris served six years on the Board of Directors of Stepping Stones Services, formerly the Wood Shoppe and A.D.I. Stepping Stones Services, and worked to provide employment for individuals with mental health challenges as they worked towards transitioning back to the mainstream work force.
Other volunteer activities
Friends of Laurier Woods, served as Chair "Laurier Woods is Growing Campaign ", ongoing Board of Directors. Ministry Natural Resources Local Citizens Committee, served two terms as Vice Chair. Rotary Club of North Bay, member 22 years , served two years as President. United Way Community Approvals Committe, two years as Vice Chair. North Bay & District Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors 9 years.